12th Annual RNA Therapeutics Virtual Conference (10-11 Febr 2021)

RNA therapeutics is a rapidly expanding industry with increasingly growing potential for immunotherapy personalised medicines, and treatment of genetic, infectious and chronic diseases. Furthermore, the recent advent of CRISPR, an RNA-guided gene-editing technology, as well as new strides in the delivery of messenger RNA transcribed in vitro, have triggered a major expansion of the RNA-therapeutics field.

The 2021 conference is set to explore the latest developments in RNA delivery agents and RNA-based therapeutics with the latest case studies on advanced mRNA technologies, oligonucleotide delivery, therapeutic applications and future trends and innovations.

The 12th annual RNA Therapeutics Conference brings together industry experts from leading RNA therapeutics companies to gain an expert and holistic view on the latest developments in the industry, upcoming regulatory updates and industry implications. Prof. Thomas Thum (Hannover) is one of the invited speakers. For more details about the conference programme and speakers, you can access the conference website HERE.

Tue, 10 November